The key to a good duck dog is steadiness, and steadiness doesn’t just happen. Full Throttle Kennels’ Jessie Richards explains pre-season drills you can use to make sure your hunting partner is rock-solid come fall.

FTK Pro-Tips

Read exclusive training tips and articles writted by Jessie Richards at Full Throttle Kennel.

The Importance of Crate Training

There are several benefits that can come from crate training a dog, especially if you begin right away when it's a puppy. It's important to start...

Conditioning: A Year-Round Concern

Keeping your dog conditioned is a year-round task. While it is important to get your dog into top condition prior to the hunting season, it is...

Gun Dog Training: Steadiness Drill

The key to a good duck dog is steadiness, and steadiness doesn’t just happen. Full Throttle Kennels’ Jessie Richards explains pre-season drills you...

A Proper Introduction to Water

Whether you're working with a 10-week-old puppy or a 3-year-old dog, it's important to introduce your dog to water the right way. You'll want to...

Helping Your Retriever Go the Distance

Training your dog for success on long retrieves includes many aspects, the most obvious being that you need to practice marks that are farther than...

Jumpstarting Your Retriever’s Training

Depending on your view of retriever training, you could say the process hasn't changed much since the days when Canadian waterfowlers trained now...

Hey, Hey, Hey! Get It!

Now that your puppy has been socialized and has a start on basic manners, it's time to start retrieving. There are a few key steps to successfully...

Gun Dog Training: Multiple Marks

To be a versatile hunting partner, a gun dog must know how to handle situations when multiple birds fall. Full Throttle Kennels’ Jessie Richards...

The Puppy Is in the House!

I am a strong believer in raising puppies in the house to help teach proper socialization, house breaking and manners. Retrievers in general are...

Picking a Puppy

Close your eyes and grab one! That's one method of picking a puppy. But not necessarily the one that I'd recommend. The first thing I like to do...

Jessie Richards owns and operates Full Throttle Kennel, in Campbellsport, Wisconsin. She specializes in training all breeds of retrievers for hunting and AKC hunt tests, as well as guides upland hunters and takes time in October for waterfowl hunting in Saskatchewan.